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12 Friendly English Expressions to Make People Smile

If you like making people smile, congratulations you're a good person! Here are 12 friendly English expressions to use more often in order to get a smile from someone.

  1. You did a great job. = when someone does something well, tell them this.

  2. I know you'll do great. = when someone is starting a new job or facing a challenging task

  3. I was very impressed with how you... = another way to compliment someone's performance

  4. It's really great to see you again. = a way of making someone know that you like seeing them

  5. It's great to hear from you. = telling someone that you are glad that they contacted you

  6. You are one of a kind. = telling someone they are unique (but in a good way)

  7. You made my day. = a way of telling someone that what they did is the best part of your day

  8. This one's on me = telling someone that you're going to pay for their drink, meal, or other cost.

  9. Have a great day. = hoping that another person has a great day.

  10. Call me anytime if you need anything. = inviting someone to contact you for help

  11. I really appreciate it. = showing appreciation for something (more meaningful than "thank you")

  12. My pleasure. = telling someone that you were happy to help them when they say "thank you" to you (more meaningful than "no problem" or even "you're welcome")

a woman smiling


Use one of the 12 expressions above in each of the situations below:

  1. Someone says to you "thanks for helping me with my problem."

  2. Someone does a difficult task for the first time successfully.

  3. Someone brings you some food they prepared especially for you.

  4. Someone is leaving your house early in the day.

  5. Someone calls you or emails you for the first time in a long time.

  6. Someone is going to pay their bill at a restaurant but you want to pay their bill for them.

  7. Someone gives you a card on your birthday when you didn't expect it.

  8. Someone does a presentation in a very fun and engaging way.

  9. Someone is having difficulties in their life and might need help sometime in the future.

  10. Someone takes their personal time to listen to your problem and give advice to you.

  11. Someone that you haven't seen for a long time says hello.

  12. Someone that you know is starting a new job on Monday and they feel nervous about it.


  1. My pleasure

  2. You did a great job / I was very impressed with how you did that

  3. I really appreciate it / You're one of a kind / You made my day

  4. Have a great day

  5. It's great to hear from you.

  6. This one's on me

  7. I really appreciate it / You're one of a kind / You made my day

  8. You did a great job / I was very impressed with how you did your presentation

  9. Call me anytime if you need anything

  10. I really appreciate it

  11. It's really great to see you again

  12. I know you'll do great.

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